By Mrs Sue Grotherr—Head of Secondary School
Creative. Resilient. Persevering. Problem-solving. Collaborative. These are some of the qualities we want our students to have as part of their DNA when they leave St Peters. We understand these attributes are not miraculously bestowed upon students as they leave school and enter the ‘grown-up’ world. They are qualities that need to be nurtured throughout childhood and during their teenage years.
Unharnessing creativity, finding the determination to keep going when the end seems far away, grappling with problems that don’t have simple solutions often begin as frail, flickering lights easily snuffed out through self-doubt, lack of immediate success or the callousness of others. It is often tempting to withdraw and to give up when success is elusive. Part of our job as parents and teachers is to not allow our young people to take the easy option. We need to encourage them to explore, to challenge and to take risks while we walk alongside supporting and guiding them. We need to pick them up when they fall down, and celebrate with them when they fly high.
During this week’s Secondary School Assembly, it was a joy to acknowledge some of our students who are flying high. Successes in Music examinations were celebrated and personal accomplishment and acts of service recognised through Principal’s Awards.
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Awards were presented to Lena D., Lauren J., and Yusha K. These awards represent the culmination of almost two years of stretching themselves through adventure treks, community service and the acquisition of new skills.
Our Assembly concluded with the presentation of the 2020 Long Tan awards. These awards commemorate the Battle of Long Tan when a patrol of Australian soldiers held their ground against 2500 enemy soldiers. The awards are given by the Australian Defence Forces to a Year 10 and Year 12 student who demonstrate the values of these young soldiers—teamwork, service, honour and loyalty. The 2020 awards were presented to Kayla T. (Year 10) and Zac H. (Year 12).
The Bible verse on the St Peters Graduate Tree envisions our graduates this way:
They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. (Jeremiah 17:8)
Encouraging our students as they establish roots of resilience and perseverance which will keep them firm against the buffeting winds of the world and nurturing them as they unfold green leaves of creativity, compassion and courage which will bear fruit in their world is one of the great privileges of teaching.
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